074-9149395 principal@gleneely.com, secretary@gleneely.com
Gleneely National School
Scoil Naisiúnta Gleann an Fhaoilidh
Parents Association
A Parent Association is the structure through which the parents in a school can work together for the best possible education for their children. The Parent Association works with the Principal, staff and the Board of Management to build effective partnership between home and school.
The role of the Parent Association
Although the Parent Association may organise many activities, these activities should all assist the association to achieve its two main roles within the school:
To work in partnership with the Principal, Board of Management and the whole school community for the betterment of the children in the school.
To support and empower parents to be active in the best interests of their children’s educational lives.
The Officers of the Gleneely National School Parent Association committee are;
Chairperson: Mrs. Anita McLaughlin
Secretary: Ms. Claire Reilly
Treasurer: Mrs. Stanka Harkin